205 research outputs found

    Joint segmentation of multivariate time series with hidden process regression for human activity recognition

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    The problem of human activity recognition is central for understanding and predicting the human behavior, in particular in a prospective of assistive services to humans, such as health monitoring, well being, security, etc. There is therefore a growing need to build accurate models which can take into account the variability of the human activities over time (dynamic models) rather than static ones which can have some limitations in such a dynamic context. In this paper, the problem of activity recognition is analyzed through the segmentation of the multidimensional time series of the acceleration data measured in the 3-d space using body-worn accelerometers. The proposed model for automatic temporal segmentation is a specific statistical latent process model which assumes that the observed acceleration sequence is governed by sequence of hidden (unobserved) activities. More specifically, the proposed approach is based on a specific multiple regression model incorporating a hidden discrete logistic process which governs the switching from one activity to another over time. The model is learned in an unsupervised context by maximizing the observed-data log-likelihood via a dedicated expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm. We applied it on a real-world automatic human activity recognition problem and its performance was assessed by performing comparisons with alternative approaches, including well-known supervised static classifiers and the standard hidden Markov model (HMM). The obtained results are very encouraging and show that the proposed approach is quite competitive even it works in an entirely unsupervised way and does not requires a feature extraction preprocessing step

    Deep HMResNet Model for Human Activity-Aware Robotic Systems

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    Endowing the robotic systems with cognitive capabilities for recognizing daily activities of humans is an important challenge, which requires sophisticated and novel approaches. Most of the proposed approaches explore pattern recognition techniques which are generally based on hand-crafted features or learned features. In this paper, a novel Hierarchal Multichannel Deep Residual Network (HMResNet) model is proposed for robotic systems to recognize daily human activities in the ambient environments. The introduced model is comprised of multilevel fusion layers. The proposed Multichannel 1D Deep Residual Network model is, at the features level, combined with a Bottleneck MLP neural network to automatically extract robust features regardless of the hardware configuration and, at the decision level, is fully connected with an MLP neural network to recognize daily human activities. Empirical experiments on real-world datasets and an online demonstration are used for validating the proposed model. Results demonstrated that the proposed model outperforms the baseline models in daily human activity recognition.Comment: Presented at AI-HRI AAAI-FSS, 2018 (arXiv:1809.06606

    An Unsupervised Approach for Automatic Activity Recognition based on Hidden Markov Model Regression

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    Using supervised machine learning approaches to recognize human activities from on-body wearable accelerometers generally requires a large amount of labelled data. When ground truth information is not available, too expensive, time consuming or difficult to collect, one has to rely on unsupervised approaches. This paper presents a new unsupervised approach for human activity recognition from raw acceleration data measured using inertial wearable sensors. The proposed method is based upon joint segmentation of multidimensional time series using a Hidden Markov Model (HMM) in a multiple regression context. The model is learned in an unsupervised framework using the Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm where no activity labels are needed. The proposed method takes into account the sequential appearance of the data. It is therefore adapted for the temporal acceleration data to accurately detect the activities. It allows both segmentation and classification of the human activities. Experimental results are provided to demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed approach with respect to standard supervised and unsupervised classification approache

    SĂ©lection contextuelle de services continus pour la robotique ambiante

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    La robotique ambiante s'intéresse à l'introduction de robots mobiles au sein d'environnements actifs où ces derniers fournissent des fonctionnalités alternatives ou complémentaires à celles embarquées par les robots mobiles. Cette thèse étudie la mise en concurrence des fonctionnalités internes et externes aux robots, qu'elle pose comme un problème de sélection de services logiciels. La sélection de services consiste à choisir un service ou une combinaison de services parmi un ensemble de candidats capables de réaliser une tâche requise. Pour cela, elle doit prédire et évaluer la performance des candidats. Ces performances reposent sur des critères non-fonctionnels comme la durée d'exécution, le coût ou le bruit. Ce domaine applicatif a pour particularité de nécessiter une coordination étroite entre certaines de ses fonctionnalités. Cette coordination se traduit par l'échange de flots de données entre les fonctionnalités durant leurs exécutions. Les fonctionnalités productrices de ces flots sont modélisées comme des services continus. Cette nouvelle catégorie de services logiciels impose que les compositions de services soient hiérarchiques et introduit des contraintes supplémentaires pour la sélection de services. Cette thèse met en évidence la présence d'un important couplage non-fonctionnel entre les performances des instances de services de différents niveaux, même lorsque les flots de données sont unidirectionnels. L'approche proposée se concentre sur la prédiction de la performance d'une instance de haut-niveau sachant son organigramme à l'issue de la sélection. Un organigramme regroupe l'ensemble des instances de services sollicitées pour réaliser une tâche de haut-niveau. L'étude s'appuie sur un scénario impliquant la sélection d'un service de positionnement en vue de permettre le déplacement d'un robot vers une destination requise. Pour un organigramme considéré, la prédiction de performance d'une instance de haut-niveau de ce scénario introduit les exigences suivantes : elle doit (i)être contextuelle en tenant compte, par exemple, du chemin suivi pour atteindre la destination requise, (ii) prendre en charge le remplacement d'une instance de sous-service suite à un échec ou, par extension, de façon opportuniste. En conséquence, cette sélection de services est posée comme un problème de prise de décision séquentielle formalisé à l'aide de processus de décision markoviens à horizon fini. La dimensionnalité importante du contexte en comparaison à la fréquence des déplacements du robot rend inadaptées les méthodes consistant à apprendre directement une fonction de valeur ou une fonction de transition. L'approche proposée repose sur des modèles de dynamique locaux et exploite le chemin de déplacement calculé par un sous-service pour estimer en ligne les valeurs des organigrammes disponibles dans l'état courant. Cette estimation est effectuée par l'intermédiaire d'une méthode de fouille stochastique d'arbre, Upper Confidence bounds applied to TreesAmbient robotics aims at introducing mobile robots in active environments where the latter provide new or alternative functionalities to those shipped by mobile robots. This thesis studies the competition between robot and external functionalities, which is set as a service selection problem. Service selection consists in choosing a service or a combination of services among a set of candidates able to fulfil a given request. To do this, it has to predict and evaluate candidate performances. These performances are based on non-functional requirements such as execution time, cost or noise. This application domain requires tight coordination between some of its functionalities. Tight coordination involves setting data streams between functionalities during their execution. In this proposal, functionalities producing data streams are modelled as continuous services. This new service category requires hierarchical service composition and adds some constraints to the service selection problem. This thesis shows that an important non-functional coupling appears between service instances at different levels, even when data streams are unidirectional. The proposed approach focuses on performance prediction of an high-level service instance given its organigram. This organigram gathers service instances involved in the high-level task processing. The scenario included in this study is the selection of a positioning service involved in a robot navigation high-level service. For a given organigram, performance prediction of an high-level service instance of this scenario has to: (i) be contextual by, for instance, considering moving path towards the required destination, (ii) support service instance replacement after a failure or in an opportunist manner. Consequently, this service selection is set as a sequential decision problem and is formalized as a finite-horizon Markov decision process. Its high contextual dimensionality with respect to robot moving frequency makes direct learning of Q-value functions or transition functions inadequate. The proposed approachre lies on local dynamic models and uses the planned moving path to estimate Q-values of organigrams available in the initial state. This estimation is done using a Monte-Carlo tree search method, Upper Confidence bounds applied to TreesPARIS-EST-Université (770839901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Commande robuste référencée intention d'une orthèse active pour l'assistance fonctionnelle aux mouvements du genou

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    Le nombre croissant de personnes âgées dans le monde exige de relever de nouveaux défis sociétaux, notamment en termes de services d'aide et de soins de santé. Avec les récents progrès technologiques, la robotique apparaît comme une solution prometteuse pour développer des systèmes visant à faciliter et améliorer les conditions de vie de cette population. Cette thèse vise la proposition et la validation d'une approche de commande robuste et référencée intention d'une orthèse active, destinée à assister des mouvements de flexion/extension du genou pour des personnes souffrant de pathologies de cette articulation. La commande par modes glissants d'ordre 2 que nous proposons permet de prendre en compte les non-linéarités ainsi que les incertitudes paramétriques résultant de la dynamique du système équivalent orthèse-membre inférieur. Elle permet également de garantir d'une part, un bon suivi de la trajectoire désirée imposée par le thérapeute ou par le sujet lui-même, et d'autre part, une bonne robustesse vis-à-vis des perturbations externes pouvant se produire lors des mouvements de flexion/extension. Dans cette thèse, nous proposons également un modèle neuronal de type Perceptron Multi-Couches pour l'estimation de l'intention du sujet à partir de la mesure des signaux EMG caractérisant les activités musculaires volontaires du groupe musculaire quadriceps. Cette approche permet de s'affranchir d'un modèle d'activation et de contraction musculaire complexe. L'ensemble des travaux a été validé expérimentalement avec la participation volontaire de plusieurs sujets validesThe increasing number of elderly in the world reveals today new societal challenges, particularly in terms of healthcare and assistance services. With recent advances in technology, robotics appears as a promising solution to develop systems that improve the living conditions of this aging population. This thesis aims at proposing and validating an approach for robust control of an active orthosis, based on the subject intention. This orthosis is designed to assist flexion/ extension movements of the knee for people suffering from knee joint deficiencies. The proposed second order sliding mode control allows to take into account the nonlinearities and parametric uncertainties resulting from the dynamics of the equivalent lower limb-orthosis system. It also ensures on one hand, a good tracking performance of the desired trajectory imposed by the therapist or the subject itself, and on the second hand, a satisfactory robustness with respect to external disturbances that may occur during flexion and extension of the knee joint. In this thesis, a neural model based on Multi-Layer Perceptron is used to estimate the subject's intention from the measurement of the EMG signals characterizing the voluntary activities of the quadriceps muscle group. This approach overcomes the complex modeling of the muscular activation and contraction dynamics. All the proposed approaches in this thesis have been validated experimentally with the voluntary participation of several healthy subjectsPARIS-EST-Université (770839901) / SudocSudocFranceF
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